Friday, October 12, 2007

Some fun knitting projects of late...I had made the lampshade for my boss at work. Yes, he did enjoy it, as well as th humour. My new boss now (old one was promoted) told me it was, 'the most disturbing piece of interior design he'd ever seen.'
Oh really.
I knit him a teacup. This is not a teacup cozy, this is a teacup and saucer. Note the tea bag and biscuit on the side. I did caution him that while cotton is a good insulator, microwaveable, and absorbent, it is not wholly leakproof. It would be wise to be careful when using hot liquids, and to consume the beverage quickly before it leaked. While machine washable, I would hang to dry as the dryer might make it shrink. He laughed, and is now wise to calling my fibre arts 'disturbing.' He also said that it was NOT more disturbing than the lampshade cozy. Hmmm...the challenge remains...


Pam said...

Well you haven't made yourself easy to find...maybe that was the point. Looking forward to following this purely selfish blog.

buddha knits said...

part of the point, but not. :) nice to see ya.